Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Room for Two by Abel Keogh ~ Blog Tour!

I first heard Abel Keogh speak at the 6-7-8 Writers’ Conference in June of this year. He was engaging, charming and personable. He spoke about his book, Room for Two, and what he learned about promoting it. I was intrigued by Mr. Keogh and immediately wanted to read his book.

You can imagine, then, how quick I was to jump at the chance to read and review Room for Two for you. I was eager to do it, and it did not disappoint.

Room for Two tells Mr. Keogh’s own true story. It’s sometimes tragic, certainly sorrowful, but in the end, full of hope. For a taste of what this book has to offer, here’s how the back cover reads:

"Sweetie, I'm home." I tried to put as much kindness into my voice as possible. I didn't want to have another argument - at least not right away. Silence. "Sweetheart?" A gunshot echoed from our bedroom, followed by the sound of a bullet casing skipping along a wall. Everything slowed down.

At times I found the reality of Mr. Keogh’s experience hard to bear. Sometimes I didn’t want to continue reading. But I’d read in other reviews that the book was inspiring and after becoming somewhat depressed from what I’d read, I needed to get to the inspiration part! I’m happy to report, it did not disappoint.

Not only is Room for Two an intriguing glimpse into the heart and mind of a young widower, particularly that of a man whose wife had taken her own life—and that of their unborn daughter, but it offers all of us an opportunity to try to discern for ourselves what we are made of and how we will view the challenges we face in life.

There’s a wonderful little lesson that Mr. Keogh shares—a remembered conversation with his mom. I don’t want to give it away, but it is a gem that makes the entire book worth reading.
If you enjoy true stories, particularly those that feature the triumph of the human spirit over the tragedies of life, you will love Abel Keogh’s Room for Two. You can buy your own copy by clicking here. You can also go to Mr. Keogh’s own site for more information about him and his story.