Sunday, February 24, 2008

Creative Types

At my new job, I've met a kindred spirit!

Her name is Shauna and she is a writer. Not just a "some day I'd like to write a book" writer, but a true blue already-has-200-pages-written writer! We get talking and time flies. I have loved meeting her - and she me, I think - because we are encouraging one another to write and it's cool to talk about what fun we had writing the night before.

There's also a boy there, Anthony, who is a drama guy. The three of us can just go on and on about all our 'things' and I'm certain there's a 'type' out there for us creative people.

Creative people are flibbertigibbets to an extent, but not in a negative sense. We have our fingers and toes dipped into numerous creative streams, all at the same time. The creative types I've met are not only writers (singers, actors, artists) but also some other sort of creative expression.

Creative types see the world a little different than other types. They are all about how the normal can be expressed in a different way - their way. Life isn't just to be lived, it's to be chewed for 100 bites, savored and still swallowed hole.

I love being around creative types because they inspire me to fulfill the nagging artist inside me who wants to get out and C-R-E-A-T-E!!!

I'm super grateful that even though I have to be out at work every day, I have had the chance to meet other creative types and am being encouraged to not hide my little light under a bushel. YAY for creative types and new friends!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Connections, Inspiration and the Blessings of God.

Four years ago, David had been unemployed for about eleven months. In March of that year he had interviewed at a company called Northrup Grumman, a defense contractor. He hadn't heard back from them for a few weeks, so we figured he hadn't gotten the job, he hadn't been very well qualified for the job anyway. Then, a couple weeks later, when we had officially exhausted all our money and all our options, Northrup Grumman called. They had liked David so much that they had created a new job just for him. It was a real blessing. Heavenly Father knew our needs, knew our limits, and He blessed us.

The contract with Northrup Grumman lasted for about a year and during that time David had the opportunity to make some choices about how he would conduct himself. Time and again the Spirit whispered to him and he listened; going the extra mile to help another, taking the time to befriend someone who at first seemed unfriendly and unwelcoming, putting aside his own pride to back someone else's good idea instead of his own inferior one.

Now, four years later David is out of work again. Northrup Grumman called and wanted to interview David for a position they have open. Many of the people interviewing him were people David worked with on the previous project. This project sounded exciting and desirable to David, but he pretty much blew the interview. But, though he didn't do well, he continued to feel good about the job. So did I.

The next day I texted David from work and David told me that Northrup had called and asked for his references. In that moment, I knew David had the job. An hour later I couldn't contain myself, I was so excited. I texted David again saying "I'm so excited and jazzed! I think you got the job!" David wrote back, "You're so funny. I love you!" And then I knew I was totally right.

But, he insisted there was nothing to tell. I spent the rest of the afternoon feeling depressed because I couldn't reconcile the feelings of peace and happiness I was feeling and the "no news" David was telling me. I even called him at one point and asked if he really hadn't heard from the place, because I was sure he had. He insisted there was nothing to tell.

When I got home, the boys greeted with me with big smiles saying "We're going on errands!" and they all hussled me right back out the door. David said we were going to rent a movie and pick up a pizza, and that he had promised the boys we'd pick up some snacks at the grocery store. I can't express how sure I was that they were going to tell me he got the job! But still, nothing. No one said anything. Argh.

But ... the errands turned out to be pizza and a movie all right just at the actual movie theater because - guess what? - David got the job!

Bunch of stinkers leading me on all day. I couldn't believe how well the boys pulled it off, too! They're turning into some mighty fine liars!

So, the people David were kind to and made friends with four years ago at Northrup, were able to see past his missteps during the interview and offer him a job. I am so grateful that David is the kind of man he is, that he doesn't burn bridges wherever he goes, but rather is a bridge builder. He lifts people up, helps them to be their best, and in turn does his very best in all he does. I am so proud of him and very grateful for him.

The down side to this new job is that he will be working as an independent contractor, which means less money and no benefits. Guess it's a good thing I listened to the Spirit a few weeks ago when He told me I should pursue a job at Harland Clarke! We will need the extra income and the benefits I will receive from working there. He also won't get paid for oh, upwards of two months! Two months! Oy. Kind of stinks, eh?

But the pros seriously outweigh the cons. David will be given a top secret clearance and he'll be working on some amazing things that will be awesome for his career. I can't really talk about it because there are too many of you out there and I couldn't very well hunt you down and kill you, could I? *U* Like I said, I'm very proud of David.

I am fascinated with all the connections in this story. The six degrees of separation and all that. Fascinated and grateful for the whisperings of the Spirit. Thankful for Heavenly Father's love and concern. He cares enough to send those whisperings that we might follow the right path, make the right choices, that will allow Him to bless us.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Country Music Wisdom ~ "I Hope You Dance"

This is a song, I absolutely love. It fills up my heart and warms me from the inside out. It cheers me and reminds me what I'm on this earth for ... to live, to love, to be happy. I hope you'll remember too, and choose to see the good all around you, all the joy that is waiting just for you.

I Hope You Dance
~ Lee Ann Womack ~

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
(Time is a real and constant motion always)
I hope you dance
(Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who)
I hope you dance
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
(Where those years have gone)

I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance
(Time is a real and constant motion always)
I hope you dance
(Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who)
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
I hope you dance
(Where those years have gone)

(Tell me who)
I hope you dance
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
(Where those years have gone)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday Night

Creative title, eh? Seriously, I had to sit with my eyes closed for a sec to come up with a title until I finally thought ... what the heck, and typed out my very clever "Sunday Night". It is, after all, Sunday night.

So I had my first week of working and all in all, it wasn't too bad! I managed to keep up on laundry (putting a load in before I left in the morning, and drying/folding it after work), I cooked for my family, I kept the house tidied up, I made calls to the phone and cable companies and others in an effort to trim our out-go, and best of all, I was not a horrid mommy. That is, until today.

Yesterday was going to be my big Clean The House Day. I needed to dust, polish, vacuum, clean the floors, scrub toilets. But I wasn't feeling well. I haven't been able to breathe very well lately. I thought it was just stress, but after yesterday I began to worry it was bronchitis or pneumonia; I haven't entirely gotten over the cold-gunk I had a couple weeks ago and I think it's moving down into my lungs. Anyway, I was so tired and worn down, having difficulty breathing. So I had to take it easy which meant my housework didn't get done.

Today I managed to do most everything I intended to do (like for my calling) but I just couldn't tolerate my children very well. Which made me sad because I so miss them and I needed an afternoon with them just playing and enjoying their company. Instead, I cranky and unpleasant like the Wicked Witch of the West. We normally have game day on Sunday afternoons, and while I played one game with everyone, I bowed out of the rest. The sounds of them having fun alternately made me feel sad because I wasn't with them, and irritated too. But I got tears in my eyes when I put the boys to bed and apologized for not being a very good mom today and they just hugged me and said it was okay. Blech. I'm not too pleased with myself tonight.

And then Stephanie gave me this award:

I can't imagine how I deserve it, but I'm not one to look a gift-horse in the mouth so ... Thanks!

I'm supposed to pass it on to other people, but I think all my friends have one! I think I'll hang on to it for a while and see who I find who doesn't have one and could use it. Does that sound fair enough?

Well, I'm feeling kind of down tonight so I think I'll sign off. I'm sorry for not writing brilliantly uplifting stuff here so that you can go away saying "Wow, that really made my day!" but I promise to try to bring a happier attitude next time! I think I'm just tired and a little overwhelmed. It'll get better. Hang in there with me, will ya?

Monday, February 04, 2008

The Thinking Republican

My hubby is a political news junkie. And so it stands to reason that he is also a big THINKER about this sort of thing. He came up with these bumper stickers that he wanted to have for himself, and thought others might like to have them too. Here's a portion of what he wrote on his own blog, and if you click on the buttons you could buy one for yourself too!


Join me and thousands of others in letting people know just how you feel about the decree from Florida, the New York Times and the media, that we should elect McCain by proudly displaying one of our fine bumper-stickers on your SUV.

$6.34 3"x10" bumper sticker
(please allow ten days for delivery as order volume is high)

$6.25 3"x10" bumper sticker
(please allow ten days for delivery as order volume is high)
p.s. RINO = 'Republican In Name Only'

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Happy Month of Love!

Welcome to my new blog in honor of Valentine's Day!

I love the month of February and Valentine's Day. My mom always treated me with great love and tenderness on Valentine's. Maybe it was because her birthday was only a few days later and she wanted to be sure we were feeling big feelings of love - I'm just sayin' - and it probably worked, but I'm okay with that. I was happy to show her all the love I felt for her especially when I was feeling like she really did love me too.

Whatever, I love Valentine's Day. I love remembering my mom who's birthday was on the 16th. Now, I just ... Love!

Happy Valentine's Day my Friends!
I am thinking of you with love and wishing your hearts are full
and your hands have someone to hold.