Tristi gave me a lovely gift, the more so because it came from one of the loveliest people.
This award is especially sweet to me because being nice is very important to me. It's not about being a pansy, it's about respect. I won't let you walk all over me, because I'm a person of value and worthy of your respect. I don't need to be sarcastic or rude to you if your opinion differs from mine, because I can still respect you. Through it all, I can be nice, you can be nice and I bet my patootie that we'd all be happier for it. I'd like to pass this award on to Candace Salima, who though she is very busy and I am a 'little person' she takes the time to comment on my little blog, write very thoughtful and engaging posts on her own blog, and responds kindly to visitors to her blog. She's NICE!Here's to being Nice! Pass it on! :)